True Cellular Formulas Team - June 8, 2023
Clearing The Air
Unmasking the Health Implications of Global Wildfires

In recent years, California, Colorado, and Canadian wildfires have escalated, not just in frequency but also in intensity. This situation has drastically affected the air quality, posing a significant health concern to millions of people, directly and indirectly. As we grapple with this increasing environmental disaster, it becomes paramount to address its multifaceted impact, particularly the health risks associated with breathing in wildfire smoke.
An Inhospitable Atmosphere
A natural disaster of the magnitude of the Canadian wildfires does not merely cause local damage. Its aftermath reaches far and wide, with wind currents carrying smoke and particulates across borders, affecting regional, national, and even global air quality. With abundant forests, Canada's wildfires produce enormous amounts of smoke, a complex mixture of gasses and fine particles from burning trees and other plant materials.
This smoke contains a multitude of potentially harmful components, including carbon dioxide, water vapor, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons, and other organic chemicals, many of which can adversely affect human health. Of these, the particulate matter (PM), particularly PM2.5 (particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or smaller), poses a significant threat. These tiny particles can bypass the body's defensive mechanisms, infiltrating deep into the lungs and even entering the bloodstream.1
Understanding the Health Impact
The health implications of breathing in wildfire smoke and water vapor can range from mild to severe, impacting various systems within the body.
Respiratory System
The respiratory system is the frontline defense against inhaled pollutants, making it the most affected by poor air quality. Short-term exposure can lead to symptoms resembling a sinus infection: coughing, wheezing, throat irritation, and shortness of breath. Those with pre-existing respiratory conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at an even greater risk as the particulates can exacerbate their symptoms or trigger an attack.2
Cardiovascular System
Recent research suggests that ultrafine particulates can also harm the cardiovascular system. When they infiltrate the bloodstream, these particles can lead to systemic inflammation, disrupt heart rhythm, increase blood pressure, and increase blood clotting. As a result, there is an elevated risk of heart attacks and strokes during poor air quality caused by wildfires.3
Immune System
Furthermore, exposure to wildfire smoke can impair the immune system. The toxic compounds in the smoke can lead to an immune response, triggering inflammation and oxidative stress. Over time, this can increase susceptibility to infections and diseases.4
Mental Health
Lastly, it's important to consider the impact on mental health. Living with the constant threat of wildfires, dealing with evacuation orders, and grappling with the aftermath can significantly impact mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, and depression. The persistent poor air quality can exacerbate these issues by restricting outdoor activities and social interaction.5
Ways to Help Mitigate Health Concerns
Adaptation measures should focus on safeguarding public health when wildfires do occur. This can include developing early warning systems, ensuring the availability of high-quality air filters and masks, promoting indoor air purification methods, and providing clear guidance to vulnerable populations.
True Carbon Cleanse (TCC)
TrueCarbonCleanse™ formula contains extremely specialized highly activated carbon, powerful humates (humic and fulvic acids), Cleanoptilite™️ (Clinoptilolite - Zeolite Crystals), and other Gut Detoxifiers that can attach to and eliminate toxins, and it does so more effectively than any other formula ever created.
TrueCarbonCleanse™ supports your body's natural removal of pro-inflammatory and body-impacting toxins we are exposed to from the air, water, plastics, heavy metals, chemicals, and more OUT of your cells and body.
TrueCarbonCleanse™ serves as a master drainage gut detoxifying formula that attracts toxins released in the colon and prevents them from reabsorbing back into the body, aka detoxification.
The proprietary matrix of powerful and diverse binders ATTACH to the toxins so they can’t be reabsorbed back into the body, causing the "retox effect" Instead, they are gently escorted out of the body permanently so they can thrive naturally without this toxic interference.
Besides the ultra-pure and potently activated charcoal that absorbs up to 300 times its weight in toxins, the specialized, powerful humates (humic and fulvic acids) - are for additional detox and remineralization support.
TrueCarbonCleanse™ contains many other potent toxin binders & fighters, including:
- Baozene® Baobab Fruit Powder— promotes a healthy gastrointestinal tract to eliminate toxins and has a high pectin content to support further binding of heavy metals.
- Magnesium Oxide brings water into your intestines, pushing out pathogens and diluting the toxic load...
- Apple Fiber—to provide beneficial pollution absorption and elimination...
More on Science of Cleanoptilite™ (Clinoptilolite)
Cleanoptilolite™ (Clinoptilolite), a new Crystalline Zeolite Nutrient that has a patent-pending cleaning process that scrubs these amazing crystalline toxic binding cages free of pre-existing heavy metals and other toxins, opening these "magnetic cages" so they are ready to support the body to bind microscopic “Bad Guys” like heavy metals and more.*
It further attracts heavy metals and other environmental toxins that cause inflammation... and...We’ve included this patent-pending ingredient, Cleanoptilolite™ (Clinoptilolite), in this formula for two critical reasons:
- It further attracts heavy metals and other environmental toxins that can suppress multiple body systems...
- Studies have shown it may be a powerful antioxidant and body defender.
One study showed that this ingredient had positive (immune-boosting) effectsTCFT.6
Final Notes
In conclusion, the poor air quality from Canadian wildfires poses a significant health risk
threat that we cannot ignore. The emerging health concerns necessitate immediate actions on multiple fronts: scientific research to further understand the health implications and education on ways to help the body detox to protect individuals' health.
The devastating Canadian wildfires have sharply focused on air quality, prompting us to consider our collective health through a new lens. As we grapple with the ongoing implications of climate change, it becomes increasingly clear that our environment and health are intrinsically connected. By addressing one, we safeguard the other, promoting a healthier and more sustainable future for all.
- Aguilera R, Corringham T, Gershunov A, Benmarhnia T. Wildfire smoke impacts respiratory health more than fine particles from other sources: observational evidence from Southern California. Nat Commun. 2021 Mar 5;12(1):1493. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21708-0. PMID: 33674571; PMCID: PMC7935892.
- Jiang XQ, Mei XD, Feng D. Air pollution and chronic airway diseases: what should people know and do? J Thorac Dis. 2016 Jan;8(1):E31-40. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.11.50. PMID: 26904251; PMCID: PMC4740163.
- Lee BJ, Kim B, Lee K. Air pollution exposure and cardiovascular disease. Toxicol Res. 2014 Jun;30(2):71-5. doi: 10.5487/TR.2014.30.2.071. PMID: 25071915; PMCID: PMC4112067.
- Glencross DA, Ho TR, Camiña N, Hawrylowicz CM, Pfeffer PE. Air pollution and its effects on the immune system. Free Radic Biol Med. 2020 May 1;151:56-68. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2020.01.179. Epub 2020 Jan 30. PMID: 32007522.
- Newbury JB, Stewart R, Fisher HL, Beevers S, Dajnak D, Broadbent M, Pritchard M, Shiode N, Heslin M, Hammoud R, Hotopf M, Hatch SL, Mudway IS, Bakolis I. Association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders: retrospective cohort study. Br J Psychiatry. 2021 Dec;219(6):678-685. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2021.119. PMID: 35048872; PMCID: PMC8636613.
- 1 - Kraljević Pavelić, S., Simović Medica, J., Gumbarević, D., Filošević, A., Pržulj, N., & Pavelić, K. (2018, November 27). Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo. Retrieved from