True Cellular Formulas Team - March 13, 2024


The Silent Threat in Your Favorite Foods


Hey foodies, brace yourselves for some unsettling news - your favorite meals may harbor a hidden danger that could be silently compromising your health. We're talking about the pervasive use of toxic antibiotics, known as Lantibiotics, lurking in the foods you consume every day.

You might be wondering, what exactly are Lantibiotics? Well, they're not your typical antibiotics prescribed by doctors; instead, they're cunningly added to food products as preservatives to extend shelf life. However, what's concerning is not just their presence but their potential health implications.

The Rise of Lantibiotics in Our Food Supply

Lantibiotics, despite their innocuous-sounding name, are far from harmless. These synthetic antibiotics are strategically employed by food manufacturers to prolong the shelf life of various products, ranging from processed meats to dairy items.[1] Their primary purpose is to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, thereby preventing spoilage and extending the product's viability on store shelves.

You might be surprised to learn just how widespread the use of Lantibiotics has become in the food industry. From packaged deli meats and cheeses to canned goods and even some beverages, these insidious additives have found their way into numerous everyday food items. Unfortunately, the prevalence of Lantibiotics isn't always disclosed on product labels, leaving consumers unaware of their presence and potential risks.[2]

Uncovering the Health Risks

Now that we've shed some light on the prevalence of Lantibiotics in our food supply, it's time to address the elephant in the room: their potential health risks. While these synthetic antibiotics may seem like innocent preservatives at first glance, their long-term effects on our health are anything but benign.

One of the most concerning aspects of Lantibiotics is their ability to disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in our gut microbiome.[3] Research has shown that these additives can indiscriminately target both harmful and beneficial bacteria, leading to an imbalance that can compromise digestive health and overall well-being.

But the dangers of Lantibiotics extend beyond just gut health. Emerging studies have also raised alarms about their role in promoting antibiotic resistance, making it harder for our bodies to fight off infections when we truly need antibiotics to be effective.[4] Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that Lantibiotics may interfere with our immune system's ability to function properly, potentially increasing the risk of autoimmune disorders and other immune-related conditions.

Perhaps most concerning of all is the cumulative impact of prolonged exposure to Lantibiotics. While a single serving of Lantibiotic-containing food may not pose an immediate threat to health, the daily consumption of these antibiotics over months or years can gradually erode our body's natural defenses and contribute to a range of chronic health issues.[5]

With the hidden dangers of Lantibiotics now laid bare, it's crucial that we take proactive steps to protect our health and well-being. In the next section, we'll explore practical strategies for minimizing our exposure to Lantibiotics and promoting gut health through mindful food choices.

Navigating Lantibiotic-Free Eating

With the alarming revelations about Lantibiotics in mind, you might be wondering how to navigate the grocery aisles without unwittingly exposing yourself to these harmful additives. Fear not, fellow foodie, for there are steps you can take to protect your gut health and minimize your antibiotic intake.

One of the most effective strategies is to embrace whole, organic foods. By opting for foods that are free from artificial additives and preservatives, you can significantly reduce your exposure to Lantibiotics and other potentially harmful substances. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, organic meats, and dairy products from reputable sources that prioritize natural preservation methods over synthetic additives.

When shopping for packaged foods, it's essential to read labels mindfully. While Lantibiotics may not always be explicitly listed on ingredient labels, you can look for phrases like "no antibiotics added" or "antibiotic-free" to identify products that are less likely to contain these additives. Additionally, choosing products that are certified organic or certified humane can provide added assurance that Lantibiotics have not been used in their production.

Supporting sustainable farming practices is another crucial aspect of navigating Lantibiotic-free eating. By choosing food sources that prioritize ethical farming methods and animal welfare, you not only reduce your exposure to Lantibiotics but also contribute to a healthier food system overall. Look for products from local farms or producers who use sustainable farming practices and avoid supporting companies that rely heavily on synthetic additives and antibiotics in their production processes.

By adopting these strategies and making informed food choices, you can reduce your exposure to Lantibiotics and promote gut health and overall well-being. In the next section, we'll explore the broader implications of Lantibiotic use in our food supply and discuss the importance of advocating for greater transparency and accountability in the food industry.


The widespread use of Lantibiotics in our food poses a serious health risk. By opting for organic, whole foods, reading labels carefully, and supporting sustainable farming practices, we can reduce our exposure. Additionally, advocating for clearer labeling and stricter regulations is crucial. Let's work together to ensure a healthier, Lantibiotic-free future for all.

  1. “Lantibiotic.” Lantibiotic - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, Accessed 24 Feb. 2024. 
  2. Nagao, Jun-ichi et al. “Lantibiotics: insight and foresight for new paradigm.” Journal of bioscience and bioengineering vol. 102,3 (2006): 139-49. doi:10.1263/jbb.102.139
  3. Wood, Matt. “Common Food Preservative Has Unexpected Effects on the Gut Microbiome.” Biological Sciences Division | The University of Chicago, 2 Feb. 2024, Accessed 24 Feb. 2024. 
  4. Ventola, C Lee. “The antibiotic resistance crisis: part 1: causes and threats.” P & T : a peer-reviewed journal for formulary management vol. 40,4 (2015): 277-83.
  5. Kiss, Christopher et al. “Long-Term Outcomes in Patients on Life-Long Antibiotics: A Five-Year Cohort Study.” Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 11,1 62. 5 Jan. 2022, doi:10.3390/antibiotics11010062