True Cellular Formulas Team - December 27, 2023

Hawaiian Punch Health Concerns

A Closer Look


The bright, cheerful packaging of Hawaiian Punch belies a deeper issue that's leading to its growing unpopularity: health concerns. This shift reflects a larger trend where consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the ingredients in their foods and beverages. Let's delve into why Hawaiian Punch is now considered problematic from a health perspective.

The Ingredient Breakdown: A Closer Look

High Fructose Corn Syrup: A Sweet Problem

One of the main ingredients in Hawaiian Punch is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). While it provides the sweet taste that many love, HFCS has been linked to various health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.[1] Unlike natural sugars, HFCS is absorbed more rapidly into the bloodstream, potentially leading to insulin resistance and increased fat storage.

Artificial Colors: Red 40 and Blue 1

The vibrant color of Hawaiian Punch comes from artificial colors like Red 40 and Blue 1. While the FDA approves these additives, there's growing concern about their long-term health impacts. Studies link artificial colors and behavioral issues in children, such as hyperactivity.[2] These food dyes are banned in Europe, but still found in foods across the shelves in America.[3]

Preservatives and Artificial Flavors: Chemical Concerns

Preservatives such as potassium sorbate and sodium hexametaphosphate extend the shelf life of Hawaiian Punch but are not without controversy. These chemicals can are linked to health issues over time, like encouraging the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.[4] Similarly, artificial flavors, while enhancing taste, don't provide any nutritional value and raise concerns about synthetic ingredients in our diet.

The Hidden Health Hazards

Weight Gain and Metabolic Health

Regular consumption of drinks like Hawaiian Punch, high in HFCS and low in nutrients, can lead to weight gain and metabolic issues.[1] These sugary beverages are often high in calories but don't provide the same feeling of fullness that solid foods do, leading to overconsumption.[5]

Impact on Children's Health

Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of sugary, artificially colored, and flavored beverages. The high sugar content can contribute to dental problems, while the artificial additives may impact behavior and cognitive development.[2,6-7]

Long-Term Health Implications

The long-term consumption of highly processed beverages like Hawaiian Punch is associated with chronic health conditions. These range from type 2 diabetes to heart disease, and the lack of essential nutrients in these drinks does nothing to counteract these risks.[1,3,5]

Alternatives to Hawaiian Punch: Making Healthier Choices

As the tide turns against sugary beverages like Hawaiian Punch, consumers and health-conscious individuals are increasingly seeking healthier alternatives. This shift is driven by a growing understanding of the negative health impacts associated with high sugar content and artificial additives found in many commercial beverages.

One popular alternative is natural fruit juices that are free from added sugars and artificial flavors. These juices offer the natural sweetness and nutritional benefits of fruit, including essential vitamins and antioxidants, without the health risks associated with high fructose corn syrup and artificial additives.

Infused water presents another healthy option. It involves flavoring water with natural ingredients like slices of fruits, herbs, and even vegetables. This not only enhances the taste of plain water but also provides hydration without any added sugars or artificial ingredients. It’s an excellent way for individuals to stay refreshed and hydrated while avoiding unnecessary calories and chemicals.

Herbal teas are also gaining popularity as a healthy beverage choice. Available in a variety of flavors, these teas are not only calorie-free but can also provide therapeutic benefits such as improved digestion, relaxation, and antioxidant properties.

Lastly, smoothies made with whole fruits, vegetables, and natural sweeteners like honey can serve as nutritious and filling alternatives to sugary beverages. They provide fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals and can be customized according to individual taste preferences and nutritional needs. Adding a high-quality protein powder and some healthy fats like nut butter or avocado can help lower the glycemic index as well.

By choosing these healthier alternatives over beverages like Hawaiian Punch, consumers can enjoy delicious, refreshing drinks without compromising their health. This shift towards natural, minimally processed beverages reflects a broader trend of prioritizing wellness and nutrition in daily dietary choices.


The case against Hawaiian Punch highlights a growing consciousness about what we consume. It's not just about a single beverage but a reflection of a wider concern for health and wellness. As we continue to learn about the impacts of various ingredients, the demand for healthier, more natural options will only increase. The 'cancellation' of Hawaiian Punch might be a small step, but it's part of a larger journey towards a healthier society.

  1. Malik, Vasanti S, and Frank B Hu. “Fructose and Cardiometabolic Health: What the Evidence From Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tells Us.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology vol. 66,14 (2015): 1615-1624. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2015.08.025
  2. MacNeil, Matt. “New Report Shows Artificial Food Coloring Causes Hyperactivity in Some Kids.” UC Berkeley Public Health, 24 May 2021, 
  3. Rabin, Caryn. “What Foods Are Banned in Europe but Not Banned in the U.S.?” The New York Times, 28 Dec. 2018, 
  4. Malik, Ajamaluddin et al. “Hexametaphosphate, a Common Food Additive, Aggregated the Hen Egg White Lysozyme.” ACS omega vol. 8,46 44086-44092. 10 Nov. 2023, doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c06210
  5. Njike, Valentine Yanchou et al. “Snack Food, Satiety, and Weight.” Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) vol. 7,5 866-78. 15 Sep. 2016, doi:10.3945/an.115.009340
  6. NHS Choices, 2014. “Tooth Decay,” URL: .
  7. Wadyka, Sally. “The Link between Highly Processed Foods and Brain Health.” The New York Times, 4 May 2023,