True Cellular Formulas Team - July 10, 2024

Dangers in Cassava-Based Kids' Snacks

A Guide for Parents


As parents, we strive to make the healthiest choices for our children, often turning to organic, gluten-free snacks as seemingly safe options. However, recent findings have revealed a disturbing truth about many cassava-based snacks marketed for kids: they contain dangerous lead levels. This revelation has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the need for greater scrutiny and vigilance regarding our children's nutrition.

Lead Contamination

Consumer Reports recently conducted an investigation into the lead content of popular organic snacks made with cassava and sorghum flour. The results were alarming, with three out of six tested snacks showing toxic lead levels. Even more concerning, all six samples exceeded California's stringent maximum allowable lead levels, a benchmark known for its rigorous safety standards.[1]

Household names like Once Upon a Farm and Lesser Evil were among the tested brands. These findings were particularly unsettling for parents who trusted these brands to provide safe and healthy snacks for their children. In response to the report, Lesser Evil has begun phasing out cassava flour from their Little Puffs line, signaling the gravity of the issue.

The Devastating Effects of Lead on Children's Health

Lead is a potent neurotoxin, and its impact on children's health can be both severe and long-lasting. Understanding the specific ways lead exposure affects young, developing bodies underscores the importance of avoiding any exposure:

  1. Cognitive Impairments: Lead interferes with brain development, potentially leading to cognitive deficits. Children exposed to lead may experience reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and attention disorders.[2] These impairments can hinder academic performance and social interactions, creating challenges that persist into adulthood.
  2. Behavioral Issues: Beyond cognitive effects, lead exposure is linked to behavioral problems such as increased aggression, hyperactivity, and difficulty with impulse control. These issues can strain family dynamics and impact a child's ability to form healthy relationships.[2]
  3. Physical Health Risks: The physical repercussions of lead exposure are equally concerning. Lead can disrupt normal growth patterns, delay developmental milestones, and damage vital organs such as the kidneys and liver. Chronic exposure may also compromise the immune system, making children more susceptible to illnesses.[3]
  4. Long-Term Consequences: The effects of lead exposure are often irreversible. Children exposed to lead at a young age may face lifelong challenges, including chronic health conditions, decreased academic achievement, and increased risk of criminal behavior due to impulse control issues.[3]

A Personal Wake-Up Call

As a parent, discovering that snacks I considered safe might have exposed my daughter to lead was a profound shock. This realization prompted me to delve deeper into food safety and question our trust in labels and brands. It's a stark reminder that vigilance is essential in protecting our children's health.

Taking Action: What Parents Can Do

In light of these findings, parents need to take proactive steps to ensure the safety of their children's snacks. Here are practical measures you can implement:

  1. Stay Informed: Check reputable sources like Consumer Reports regularly for updates. Staying informed about food safety issues helps you make educated choices for your family.
  2. Scrutinize Labels: Don't rely solely on marketing claims. Read ingredient lists carefully and research the sourcing and production practices of the brands you choose. Look for companies that are transparent and committed to safety.
  3. Support Ethical Brands: Choose snacks from brands that prioritize safety and are responsive to consumer concerns. Lesser Evil’s decision to phase out cassava flour shows the impact consumer feedback can have on industry practices.
  4. Advocate for Change: Your voice matters. Raise concerns with manufacturers and retailers about the safety of their products. Collective consumer pressure can lead to industry-wide changes, ensuring safer options for all children.
  5. Homemade Alternatives: Prepare snacks at home using whole, organic ingredients when possible. Homemade snacks give you control over what your children consume, reducing the risk of exposure to harmful substances.


The recent findings on lead in cassava-based snacks are a sobering reminder of the hidden dangers lurking in seemingly healthy foods. As parents, it's our duty to remain vigilant, informed, and proactive in safeguarding our children's health. By making informed choices and advocating for safer products, we can protect our kids from harmful toxins and ensure they enjoy nutritious, safe snacks.

Together, we can drive positive change in the food industry, demanding higher safety standards and greater transparency. Let’s use our collective power to create a safer, healthier future for our children.

  1. Cassava-Based Puffs From Lesser Evil and Serenity Kids Contain High Levels of Lead.” Consumer Reports, 14 June 2024,
  2. Lead Poisoning. Accessed 10 July 2024.
  3. Wani, Ab Latif, et al. “Lead Toxicity: A Review.” Interdisciplinary Toxicology, vol. 8, no. 2, June 2015, pp. 55–64. PubMed Central